Gratitude List (April 26, 2024) #TToT

Hi everyone. How have you been? I’m participating in Ten Things of Thankful with a gratitude post once again. It’s been a while. I however have quite a few thankfuls to share, I think, so let’s go.

1. I’m grateful for homemade pizza. My spouse, mother-in-law and I made it together at my in-laws’ house (my father-in-law wasn’t there) last Saturday after the CP conference.

2. I’m grateful for a side-by-side bike ride on Sunday. I was assigned an extremely tall staff member for my one-on-one and, for those not aware, I am short myself. This makes walking with him quite a challenge, as we haven’t yet figured out a way for him to guide me that doesn’t cause me pain. However, I came up with the idea of biking instead.

3. I am grateful for the fact that my attempt at making overnight oats on Monday turned out to be a success! Last time I made them, I added way too much milk.

4. I am grateful because, on Tuesday, I was able to cook köfte for my fellow residents and staff. It took me quite some time, but that’s not a problem.

5. I am grateful for French fries on Wednesday. Oh, I’m making more than half of this list about food, but okay.

6. I am grateful for an opportunity to go swimming yesterday. I had gone swimming twice last week, once with my own home’s residents and once with a small group. I hadn’t expected to be able to join the small group this week again and swimming for my home was canceled because most residents were on the annual trip. However, I was able to join the small group anyway.

7. I am grateful for a trip to the institution museum this afternoon. It’s a really small museum, but it was interesting to learn about the history of the institution. Plus, we got free mini pancakes! Oh wait, that’s another food-related thankful…

8. I’m grateful for a day without rain today. We had rain most of the week and, though I could go on walks everyday inbetween showers, I couldn’t go out nearly as much as I’d have liked. Today though was a rain-free day and we even had a bit of sunshine.

9. I am grateful for an appointment with the nurse practitioner who works at my local GP practice re my decreasing mobility. I’ll have a physical therapy appt soon too but I’d really like to know what’s causing my mobility impairment (CP or something else) and whether a decrease in mobility is to be expected or what can be done about it.

10. Last but not least, I am so grateful I seem to be slowly crawling out of the pit of depression I was in.

Daily Habits For a More Meaningful Life

Hi everyone. Today was a good day for once. I went swimming for the first time in a long while. No, that’s a lie, since I went swimming with my fellow residents yesterday too. What I meant is that I was originally allocated this spot on Thursdays for swimming but haven’t been able to go yet for staffing-related reasons. Yay for an opportunity to go today!

This isn’t something I can do everyday or even each week, but there are lots of activities I could incorporate into my daily routine that will give me a more meaningful life. Today I’m joining Thursday Thirteen with a list of those.

1. Shower or wash myself. Personal hygiene often goes out the window when I’m depressed. Though I don’t really see its point in boosting my mood, in that for me the feeling of being clean doesn’t do that, I can at least say I accomplished something that day.

2. Brush my teeth. Same as above really.

3. Meditate. I’m not the kind of woman who is good at long body scans or the like, but I do love shorter, affirmation-based meditations.

4. Journal. This is something I don’t do nearly often enough. I really should be incorporating daily time to journal into my calendar. I love writing stream-of-consciousness style, but this isn’t usually suited for this blog.

5. Read. I don’t mean I should be reading a novel a day or something. Even a chapter in a children’s book could count. Like, today I read a few chapters in the second book in the Unicorn Academy series.

6. Diffuse some essential oils (or fragrance oils) in my diffuser. I’m not a strong believer in aromatherapy. I mean, I’ve literally slept like a log smelling a combo of all citrus oils over the past few nights. I do believe smelling good scents can help my mood though.

7. Listen to music. I really feel that music, any kind of music, can be good for my mental health. Whether it’s soothing instrumental music to sleep to or loud EDM when I need a confidence boost.

8. Walk. I do this almost each day already, but I’m adding it to this list anyway in case there’s a time when I forget about its importance in boosting my mood.

9. Move in general. I was going to list dancing as a separate item on this list, but then, though it would be easier to get to thirteen, it would be harder to incorporate everything into each day. I honestly feel that movement in general, whether it is dancing, yoga, cycling, swimming or whatever, helps my mood.

10. Drink a cup of green tea. I definitely feel that a daily cup of green tea could add to my mental wellbeing. Maybe it’s the fact that I usually have those with the staff members I trust a little when talking though.

11. Talk to other people, reach out for support. When there’s a day I cannot talk to any staff because there are all staff I don’t trust, I can always talk to my spouse or mother-in-law.

12. Write down my positives and negatives for the day. This usually helps me remember that, even on the hardest days, there are some moments I’ve felt okay.

13. Remember: pain is temporary, giving up is forever.

Reminders When I’m Feeling Like Life Is Pointless

Hi everyone. Like I said on Saturday, I’ve been struggling lately. It’s been so bad that I’ve actually been considering talking to my doctor about options for medication. I mean, I’ve been tapering my antipsychotic aripiprazole (Abilify), which is sometimes used as adjuvant medication to treat depression. However, I honestly struggled with mild depression already before starting my taper.

That being said, I really need to remind myself of the things I have in life. For this reason, I started a list of positives and negatives for each day that I’ll send to my second assigned staff weekly. She is more socially adept and empathetic than my other assigned staff, which is why I have her to discuss my personal issues with. Anyway, I allow myself to list the negatives too, which sometimes outweigh the positives, but the last few days, the positives have outnumbered the negatives.

For instance, today I had as a positive the fact that I finished a pair of polymer clay earrings. Okay, I haven’t yet seen how they turned out, but who cares? The process is more important than the outcome. I also listed as a positive the fact that I had a good online meeting with the regional branch of CP Netherlands, the Dutch cerebral palsy alliance.

I listed one negative, ie. the fact that I got slightly stressed out when my male assigned staff asked me some questions about swimming. I’m supposed to go swimming in a group on Thursdays but this hasn’t happened yet due to staffing issues. I have tried to jump through all kinds of hoops to accommodate the staff and felt like I was being pushed around. Thankfully, tomorrow (Wednesday), it turns out, I’m allowed to try out swimming with my fellow clients.

I think that, when I’m in a downward spiral and particularly when I feel like my world is becoming smaller and smaller and life is pointless, I need to remind myself that there are still lots of things I can do even though I’m at home a lot. I could read, watch YouTube videos, blog, scroll on social media, do all kinds of crafts. Honestly, in fact, when a staff is entertaining, even a dice game can be enjoyable. And the entertaining factor is a two-way street. After all, I noticed this with a staff yesterday with whom I hadn’t gotten along a few weeks back. He was about as unengaging as could be and left 15 minutes early, but then again I treated him badly first by refusing to explain my routine because “it’s not my job to train temp workers”. It isn’t, technically speaking, but I could’ve been kinder. Yesterday, he actually made our game of Yahtzee fun.

I do still think my world could be enriched. I also feel this isn’t a cure-all for my depressed mood. Some of it comes down to grief, too. Grief for having lost the support I had in late 2021, when I was 95% sure I wanted to stay in Raalte. “Make that 98% please,” the manager said. Not even half a year later, it turned out, either she or some other people involved there were glad I was asking to leave. That angers and saddens me to this day, but wallowing in these feelings won’t help. Involving myself in positive activities might.

I’m joining #WWWhimsy.

#WeekendCoffeeShare (February 24, 2024)

Hi everyone. I’m joining in with #WeekendCoffeeShare again this week. It’s the last Saturday of February and I honestly can’t wait for spring. How have you been? I’ve had my last cup of coffee for the day already, but I can still offer you something to drink if you’d like. Let’s catch up.

If we were having coffee, first I’d talk about the weather, as usual. I’m really disappointed in it this week. It’s been raining a lot and it’s been quite cold. On Thursday, another storm even raged by and management decided we weren’t allowed to go outside. This was in light of the situation in which a staff member died last December from being hit by a falling tree while going out in a storm. I want sunshine, for goodness’ sake!

If we were having coffee, then I’d tell you that obviously I haven’t been all that active lately. I think I only met my movement goal on my Apple Watch three times tops this week.

I might go swimming soon though. My assigned staff told me they found a spot for me to go into the pool on Thursdays. However, I’d need a staff to actually accompany me in the water, because I won’t be able to follow instructions when shouted from the side and there will be other clients in the pool too. If there’s no staff available who’s willing to come into the water with me, he said we could do fitness instead. There’s some gym equipment on grounds here, but there won’t be an instructor there. I’m fine with this, since I know how to work most equipment or my staff will be able to figure it out.

If we were having coffee, I’d share that I did have quite a productive week in the crafty department though. I made a polymer clay unicorn (yes, another one) on Tuesday. I didn’t do it fully independently, but that’s okay. I did add wings to this one, as well as Hotfix stones below each wing.

I also made a bird’s nest out of polymer clay on Thursday. That one is still waiting for more projects to join it so that I have more things to put into the oven together.

If we were having coffee, lastly I’d tell you that my support coordinator came back to me on Monday after talking to the behavior specialist. My emotional functioning won’t be re-assessed until June at the earliest and my day schedule won’t change until after the summer at the earliest. At the end of our discussion, she gave in on the day schedule and said she’d discuss it in the team meeting. I honestly don’t really care about the day schedule as much. I mean, it’s not perfect, but no day schedule is going to be perfect. What I do care about, is to lessen the chaos of my care. I mean, I know it’s better than it used to be at the intensive support home and I probably sound like a Very Hungry Caterpillar if I request more accommodations. I said as much to my support coordinator, but she tried to validate me by saying my attitude stems from my trauma.

The fact that there’s no designated one-on-one shift, however, has a lot of drawbacks and not just the fact that I get confused about who’s going to show up each support moment. It’s frustrating also because only the staff who works until handover, writes the day’s logs and those usually aren’t the staff members supporting me. I do, for this reason, notice a lot of irrelevant logging and, last Thursday, when I had a near-perfect day, there weren’t any notes at all. I think my staff probably hate me comparing my situation to the one in Raalte, but there, my designated one-on-one had fifteen minutes at the start of their shift to read the previous days’ log notes and fifteen minutes at the end to write up theirs. This meant I didn’t have to explain everything half a dozen times, like I do now. I also feel like having a designated shift would mean I could be much more clear on what I am going to do, lessening the mere talking and increasing the actual activity. I see why, if I keep rambling to a staff member for all of my activity time slot, they won’t want to spend another time slot with me, but I don’t like to spend all of my activity time rambling about the same issues either. The only reason I do is because I can’t count on getting it across.

2023: The Year in Review

Hi everyone. It’s the last day of the year. I am dealing with a nasty cold and very much overloaded by the early fireworks. I really expected the institution town to be quiet, but it isn’t. Regardless, my sense of duty is stronger than my wish to crawl into bed with a PRN tranquilizer and that sense of duty tells me I need to review the past year. So here goes.

I started out 2023 cautiously optimistic. I mean, I admitted in my hopes for 2023 that my day schedule, though better than the one my then support coordinator had given me, was far from ideal. In the months that followed, it would turn out that “far from ideal” was really a euphemism and that the intensive support home wasn’t suitable for me. I know my staff there blame my critical attitude, but honestly my current day schedule is pretty much ideal and, moreover, at least my staff try to think in terms of validating my needs rather than fueling competition for care.

By late January, I had pretty much decided I didn’t feel I could live in the intensive support home long-term, but it took till mid-March for a meeting to formally make the decision to start moving plans again. Then I waited two months before hearing any steps had been taken, then another two before that awesome E-mail from my now assigned staff to my mother-in-law asking what color of paint I wanted on my wall.

In the meantime, I didn’t sit still, though sometimes it felt like it. I indeed wasn’t as active as I was during 2022. I participated in the April #AtoZChallenge on my blog, which was really my only active month this year.

I also helped set up swimming for the intensive support home. After all, the idea to ask the institution pool whether they had a time slot for me and a staff to try out swimming, came from me, and then it turned out this time slot wasn’t available just once, but each week.

For the most part though, over the spring and summer, I struggled. It didn’t help that my support staff came up with the conclusion that I got more one-on-one support than I was getting funding for. This led to regular arguments with my former staff about how to cut those hours once I moved.

When I actually moved and my hours had to be cut, the staff soon enough figured out that this wasn’t a viable situation. Thankfully, I got my hours back, first through my care agency and then through funding from the Care Office.

Once this had been sorted, my life significantly improved. For one thing, I was spending more time creating things out of polymer clay. I also explored other activities, such as baking.

In the health department, 2023 was a mixed bag. I did reach my goal of getting to a healthy BMI, but over the past couple of months I have been struggling to get in the movement needed to meet my activity goals. That is, I haven’t met my movement goals several times this past month. One reason is the weather and the fact that, now that I’m at my current care home, I cannot (yet) go swimming regularly. Another factor though may be the fact that I’ve lost weight and haven’t adjusted my movement goal accordingly. Still another factor may be laziness though.

Lastly, 2023 was the year I left Christianity for good. I mean, I’m still spiritual, but I don’t care for a God that condemns the vast majority of people to eternal suffering, many of whom simply for being themselves.

October 2023 Reflections #WBOYC

Hi everyone. It’s the last day of the month and this means I’m reflecting on the past month’s happenings. As usual, I’m joining in with What’s Been On Your Calendar? (#WBOYC).

First, I’m finally going to share the polymer clay unicorn I crafted on September 30. Okay, that’s not technically the past month, but I didn’t fully finish it and take a picture till October 5.

My spouse joked that, judging by its colors – fuchsia, yellow and blue (the blue is called Peppermint, don’t ask me why) -, it’s typical of a specific music scene from the nineties. The staff who helped me craft this unicorn, is only slightly older than me, so she understood.

I haven’t really been crafting with clay much over the month of October. I did though help cook dinner twice. I also made a few smoothies.

I also did a good amount of walking, although I didn’t meet my movement goal every single day this month. I blame the rain, because the one day I didn’t meet the goal, it was raining almost constantly. Besides walking, I went swimming once.

My mother-in-law visited me three times this month and my spouse came by each week. My sister had originally wanted to come by this Sunday, but I prefer not to see her or my parents in the institution. Instead, my spouse and I are going to see them and my parents at Christmas.

Mental health-wise, the month has been quite good, truthfully. I mean, I’m still adjusting to my new care home and it’s October, which is a hard month for me each year. Taking this into consideration, however, I can’t complain. I am intensely grateful for the fact that most staff go out of their way to accommodate me. Initially, I was told by some that I’d be assigned the temp worker almost by default, which set me off because that was exactly what happened at my old care home and, given my attachment issues, I struggle with this. I spiraled into a bad crisis for this reason last week. Thankfully though, the staff now try their best to assign at least a somewhat familiar staff to me if they have to be a temp worker after all.

With respect to my physical health, I am happy to report I didn’t lose any more weight. In fact, I gained a few pounds. It wasn’t like I definitely couldn’t lose any more weight for my health, but I would’ve felt concerned had I lost more weight, given how much I ate over the past month. I am now within the weight range I agreed upon with my dietitian rather than slightly below it, so I’ve decided I can no longer afford as many treats as I used to consume. Yesterday, I convinced my assigned staff to add my food plan to the manila folder of important information that’s on my table in my room. After all, staff would often hand me a cookie (or two) without even thinking about it with each coffee break, despite the fact that my food plan has one only with my evening coffee break. I am due for weigh-in tomorrow morning again. Fingers crossed I won’t have gained significantly.

The Wednesday HodgePodge (October 25, 2023)

Hi everyone. It’s been a while since I last posted. The past week has been hard, but I’m feeling better now. I’m joining in with the Wednesday HodgePodge once again. Here we go.

1. October 25th is International Artists Day…do you have a favorite artist? If so tell us who and why.
No, I don’t. I’m blind so can’t appreciate paintings or other means of visual art. As for sculptures, I haven’t touched enough to know much about them.

2. Would you describe yourself as artistic? Elaborate.
No, not really. I mean, I’m creative with words and I love to craft, but I don’t have the slightest idea of what makes a good piece of art.

3. What’s a skill, task, hobby, or job you’ve done so often you now have it ‘down to a fine art’?
I’m not sure what that expression means, but if it means you can do something very well or it takes little effort, nothing.

4. How often do you dine out? Fast food, fine dining, or somewhere in between? Tell us about a less than stellar restaurant experience you’ve had recently (or not so recently if that’s easier).
I rarely dine out these days, but my spouse and I get lunch out each week. I can’t remember any recent negative restaurant experiences. I mean, having iced coffee and cake at Starbucks about a month ago was a bit disappointing.

One experience I’d like to share though, has nothing to do with the restaurant, but with the person I went eating out with. In late August, my assigned staff for my old home invited me out for lunch to say goodbye because of my move. In advance, she mentioned nothing about who would pay, so I assumed we’d each pay our own food. This, I consider already thoughtful of me, since had she not been staff, I’d assumed that her inviting me and not mentioning costs would mean she’d pay. Recently though, my spouse got the monthly care home bill for additional costs such as laundry etc. And guess what? Judging from the amount, I’ve most likely paid for both of our lunches. I’m not going after it, but next time I’m going to make sure I understand up front what I’m going to pay for something special offered to me.

5. Do you celebrate Halloween? To what extent? Are there trick or treaters where you live?
No, I don’t celebrate Halloween. I do like it though. Maybe next year I’ll get some decorations, but this year I didn’t feel like I have the space for any temporary decorations. As you know, I live in an institution, so no trick-or-treaters here.

6. Insert your own random thought here.
I went swimming today. One of the staff stayed half an hour past the end of her shift to be able to support me. And yes, I did ask about having to pay for this myself, since in Raalte a client would have to pay individual support hours for this and the hourly fee is far higher than what a staff earns per hour. The staff told me I won’t need to pay. Swimming was great! There were six of us residents participating. Thankfully, the staff who supported me did ask that the music be turned off. Residents here take turns swimming, so it isn’t like I’ll be able to go each week, but I’ll most likely be able to go swimming another time.

#WeekendCoffeeShare (September 16, 2023)

Hi everyone. I’m joining #WeekendCoffeeShare today. I just had my afternoon coffee, but will probably not finish this post in one go, as I have an activity moment again in half an hour. Let’s have a drink and let’s catch up.

If we were having coffee, first I’d talk about the weather. We’ve had pretty nice late summer weather here with temps rising to between 20°C and 25°C during the day. Next week, we’re supposed to get rain and then I’m pretty sure it’s over with the warm weather, although October can occasionally bring days when the temperature reaches 20°C too. I love telling tales of the day, about five or six years ago, when we had a daytime high of 27°C here in mid-October.

If we were having coffee, then I’d talk about my walking and other exercise. I went swimming on Wednesday. It’ll probably have been the last time for now, as I’m moving to the new care home on Monday, although the swimming instructor did say my new home’s clients go swimming too.

I went on the stationary bike yesterday. Other than that, my physical activity has been hit and miss. Some days, I got in over 10K steps, while on other days, I hardly walked at all.

If we were having coffee, I would however share that, on one of my walks, last Tuesday, I visited the institution petting zoo and took some lovely pictures. The first picture shows the petting zoo’s cat, Macho, on a stack of hay.

There also is a large aviary with parakeets in it. Here are two photos of the birds in their cage.

If we were having coffee, finally I’d tell you all about my visit to my new care home. I went there with a staff and my mother-in-law. Since this staff has been pushing me towards independence more than I can handle lately and since she’ll be doing handover too, I was disappointed that she’d be attending the visit too. After all, that’d mean I wouldn’t be able to talk to my new staff about my needs without her overhearing.

When we got to the home, we were greeted by the man who will be my new assigned staff, same one who’d been talking to my mother-in-law about the color paint on my wall. I had thought he’d be my support coordinator but apparently not. I don’t know who my support coordinator will be yet. Not a problem, since in general you have more day-to-day contact with your assigned staff than your support coordinator. When still outside, I heard a loud singing of “Happy Birthday!”. This turned out to come from the neighboring home though, as no-one had a birthday this day.

We were led into the living room, where a number of residents and another staff were having coffee. I initially thought there were two staff, since one of the residents talked in an almost identical voice and said almost the same things as the staff. This turned out to be echolalia though.

The residents in this home are more significantly intellectually disabled than those at my current home. Most can speak a little though. Like, one told me I had a pretty golden ring. When I told my spouse about this, I was reminded of my preference last year for a home with people with mild intellectual disability. Yeah, I replied, but I didn’t know back then what I had to give up to live with people with whom I can have a conversation.

Overall, the staff seemed much nicer than those at my current care home. For one thing, both staff introduced themselves, while back when I went to look around here last year only the staff who would be giving me the tour told me their name.

I was led to my room, which is the closest to the living room. This has disadvantages, in that I may be able to hear living room sounds more, but it has a huge advantage in that I will be able to find it much more easily than my current room. The wall is a nice baby pink according to my mother-in-law. I wasn’t able to get a real impression of my room without my furniture in it yet, but that’s not a problem.

When shown around, I did make it clear what my needs are re help with my activities of daily living and that I’m not ready to grow yet, since that will take me being stable first. The staff who was with me didn’t comment, thankfully. Overall, I feel less stressed about moving to the new home now that I’ve met my new fellow residents and staff.

I have yet to pack my clothes. Other than that, everything is in boxes now and ready to be moved. I’m ready for a new chapter in my life!

Gratitude List (July 20, 2023)

Hi everyone. I’m feeling like I have really been neglecting my blog. The truth is I’ve been struggling a lot, more so even than I used to. However, today I’m feeling pretty good so I’m taking the opportunity for a gratitude post. Here goes.

1. I am grateful for a fellow resident’s birthday celebration on Monday. Just after handover at 3PM, we all sat in the living room and sang “Happy Birthday” for him. We had fries and a snack for dinner too. Unfortunately, another resident did have a severe anger outburst right after we did the singing and was disruptive for the rest of the evening even when in his room.

2. I am grateful that, though on Tuesday I got the least familiar to the group staff assigned to me for my one-on-one, she was not the least familiar to me.

3. I am grateful for a comforting visit from my mother-in-law on Tuesday. It was good to be able to vent to her.

4. I am grateful for a delicious caramel ice cream bowl that my mother-in-law treated me to on her visit. Okay, my dress once again had ice cream and caramel sauce all over it, but oh well, it can be washed.

5. I am grateful for a satisfying dietitian’s appt on Wednesday. She was really content with my weight (which remains within the agreed-upon range) and my eating and exercising habits. For those who don’t know, I have a history of disordered eating, bordering on bulimia, so I particularly need to make sure my eating and exercising don’t become compulsive (in addition to not engaging in purging behaviors, of course).

6. I am grateful my assigned staff supported me for part of the morning shift on Wednesday despite there being a temp worker too. Granted, the temp worker is quite familiar with the group, but I’d more or less been told that I’d still be assigned the temp worker by default unless there are literally four regular employees.

7. I am grateful for a great experience swimming yesterday. I went into the pool with just a staff and no other residents. This particular staff has this really cool way of getting my playful inner child out, so we sang songs, jumped up and down and had lots of fun.

8. I am grateful my assigned staff agreed to contact the behavior specialist once she’s back from vacation to set up a meeting to discuss possibly finding me help in overcoming my sense of basic mistrust. It’s been getting progressively worse and is affecting my life here at the care home but also my marriage.

9. I am grateful I was allowed to borrow a fellow resident’s side-by-side bike this afternoon. It was a nice change from walking.

10. I am grateful for my spouse, who sticks by me even though I’m being quite difficult. We’ve had a few arguments and I’ve crossed my spouse’s limits a few times. I now realize this is probably my anxious attachment style getting in the way of our healthy communication. For this reason, I’m all the happier to still be going on together.

What have you been grateful for lately?

The Wednesday HodgePodge (June 7, 2023)

Hi everyone. I’m joining the Wednesday HodgePodge again. It’s been a while. Here goes.

1. Tell me something you remember (or if you’re not there yet, something you look forward to) about being 35.
I turned 35 in June of 2021. Honestly, it was one of the best years of my life so far, even though I didn’t see it at the time. It was the first year I had one-on-one and I started exploring polymer clay that summer, shortly after turning 35. I am pretty sure I made some of my best unicorns that year. At the end of 2021, I remember saying here on the blog that I had the best support I could hope for and now it was time to find the best med combo for me, referring to my wish to taper my antipsychotic. Honestly, looking back, I should’ve stayed in my comfort zone and not made the decision to want to move care homes (also when I was still 35, in April of 2022). Hindsight is 20/20.

2. Last time you “burned the candle at both ends”?
I rarely get up very early. My usual time to wake up is 8AM regardless of the time I went to sleep. That being said, if 8AM is considered early enough to count, I regularly “burn the candle at both ends, as I regularly stay up way past midnight. I remember once going to sleep at past 3AM and getting up before 8AM to get in my stand hours on my Apple Watch. I got 21 stand hours that day.

3. Are you someone with the “gift of gab”? Elaborate (which shouldn’t be a problem if you answered yes teehee).
I had to Google that expression. As for my answer, well, it depends. Sometimes I can talk up a storm, but sometimes I cannot articulate my basic needs.

4. Do you request a special meal on your birthday, and if so tell us what that meal is? Do you want the same kind of cake year after year or will any flavor work? Do you want cake at all? Growing up were birthdays a big deal in your house? Are they a big deal now?
I don’t really get to pick a special meal on my birthday now, although back in the psych hospital we could. Instead, I usually go out for dinner with my spouse and my parents on my birthdays. My spouse and I pick a restaurant. This year, we haven’t chosen one yet even though my birthday is on the 27th.

I don’t care for cake, honestly. My mother’s apple pie is good. So is homemade cheesecake. Other than that, I prefer a large waffle or something like that.

Birthdays were definitely a big deal growing up. That being said, I always managed to ruin mine as well as my sister’s with a meltdown or two. Now, though I like my birthday a little because of the presents, it’s more stress than fun.

5. “Age is just a number.”… agree or disagree? Tell us why.
I completely agree with Joyce’s answer to this question. I can feel all kinds of different ages, but it isn’t like I actually am an eight-year-old.

6. Insert your own random thought here.
I went swimming, yay! One of the student staff has a project on leisure activities for a client and she chose me. During our discussion, we talked about swimming. She initially wanted to go to the nearby lake, but I don’t really like that. It was actually my idea to call the institution pool to ask if there was a possibility for me to go swimming there just once. And there was. It was magical! And the best news is, it’s not just for once. Our home now has a spot to go swimming there each week.