#WeekendCoffeeShare (May 2, 2021)

Hi everyone on this first Sunday of May. I still honestly can’t believe it’s May already, but it is. Today I’m joining in with #WeekendCoffeeShare. It’s still early in the afternoon, but I didn’t want to be very late with my submission. I’m having my afternoon coffee in a bit, so if you’d like one too, that’s okay. Let’s have a coffee and let’s catch up.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that this week was a mixed bag weather-wise. We’ve had sunshine, clouds, wind and rain. The temperatures are still below normal though.

If we were having coffee, I’d be excited to share that, on Tuesday, I went to a playground in a neighboring village with my one-on-one staff. It was King’s Day, so we had the day off from day activities, but I had a lot of fun anyway. The playground had a trampoline, a seesaw and several swings. My husband wondered why I had my shoes on while jumping on the trampoline, but this was apparently allowed.

Me on the trampoline.

If we were having coffee, I’d also share that, on Thursday, I revived my Instagram account. That is, I had posted exactly one photo some four years ago and had deleted that a few months back. On Thursday, as you can see, I uploaded a photo of a soap I’d made with my one-on-one last week. I am not yet certain I will really be posting to my Instagram more often, as I don’t think my pics are really Instagram-worthy, but well. I had fun making the soap and wanted to show it somewhere.

Speaking of soap making though, I’m planning on making a lip balm real soon. I also found out early this week that I will be able to make shampoo bars after all, since it doesn’t require saponification with lye. Now the stuff that is used to make shampoo, is quite concentrated too, but I think I may give it a try after all.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that the physical therapist once again urged me to wear my AFO after all. It still hurts and, to be honest, I feel as though she dismisses my pain. Then again, I understand the need for the AFO. Let’s just hope my semi-orthopedic shoes will be here soon. I doubt it though.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that the manager came by on Thursday to inform me that the opening for a new staff had finally been filled. The new staff will start orienting at my home tomorrow. At first, she will not be working with me, but eventually she might.

If we were having coffee, lastly I would share that I spent the weekend in Lobith with my husband. We had delicious meatballs for dinner yesterday. We also had rice and cucumber. In the evening, my husband gave me a picky eater test he’d found online to see if I had a high score. I scored eleven points, he scored six. Then again, I probably was a little strict on myself, as I said for example that I wouldn’t eat celery. This morning, it was in a salad we had for breakfast and, while I didn’t love it, I didn’t hate it either. There are only a few foods I definitely will not eat. That being said though, the list of foods I’d rather avoid, is quite long.

How have you been?

37 thoughts on “#WeekendCoffeeShare (May 2, 2021)

  1. Sounds like a good and fun week.

    things here are good. Work has been busy and have lots coming up in the contract negotiations and actions.

    Condo living is good. Meeting more and more of the neighbors and recently told we have a few more.

    The weather has been a predictable new england. Rain, a little snow, then sun and warm temperatures.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s interesting that you still get snow. I’m so happy to read that work is going well too and so is your condo living situation.


      1. Actually it was the northern part of the state that got it. I am glad we didn’t because I was done with it in March. I would have to say its been very rare that the southern part of the state gets snow this time of year but it has happened.

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  2. It’s good that you tried celery in the salad. Folks find that some foods are fine when they’re in a dish or salad, but not alone.
    Looking forward to seeing how the shampoo bars come out!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I indeed definitely wouldn’t eat celery as a standalone food. We sometimes get it from the meal delivery service that delivers my care facility’s meals. Thankfully as of late I can choose from their menu.


    1. Thank you so much. Oh, how lovely that you play on the trampoline with your kids! I thoroughly enjoyed it and due to it being King’s Day, the village children had their own activities and the playground was empty except for me and my staff.


  3. Hello Astrid,
    If we were having coffee, I’d tell you, through your daily blog posts, I’ve learned to deeply admire your accomplishments and heartbroken over the incredible challenges you’ve been handed.

    You are one of the most articulate writers I’ve had the privilege of meeting through blog posts.

    My writer’s group, presented a writing prompt concerning a blind person and I struggled to answer the prompt. I thought of you immediately.

    Here’s the prompt, “The first time I met Stanley, I knew immediately that he was blind.”
    Other than the obvious, (white cane, guide dog, dark glasses, holding someone’s arm for guidance), could you help me describe the scene?

    I hope to gain additional understanding about your world through this prompt. With respect and gratitude, I look forward to any comment you may suggest.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reaching out. I don’t know of course what type of story you want to write about a blind person. I mean, are you intending to describe Stanley’s life as a blind person, the prejudices your main character had about blindness when first meeting him, etc.? Regardless, if you’d like to know more about blindness and visual impairment, I suggest you check out Jazmin Ruiz’s #AtoZChallenge posts at https://jazminruiz.blog. I’m more than willing to answer any specific questions you may have, but I recommend you look there for a general overview that may give you some insight.


      1. Hi Astrid,
        You are brilliant. Sending me to Jazmin Ruiz A to Z challenge was an excellent idea. I am at letter Y. Had to take a break to fix lunch and then clean up the kitchen. Just wanted you to know what I was up to and that I’ll answer in more detail once I’ve finished Jazmin’s post.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. After reading Jazmin’s post, I was able to answer the writing prompt, I’ll write something about Stanley being a chef and his talking food thermometers and talking scales. I could use those implements in my kitchen! The OrCam is an other amazing device. Hurray for technology and the will to thrive.

            Mistakenly, I thought you could answer the question! After reading Jazmin’s post, I realized your intention was to teach me to recognize a blind person (or visually impaired) in a variety of situations. Jazmin (and you) taught me how self-reliant a blind person (and visually impaired) can be.

            The prompt was designed to stimulate the creative juices. With your help and guidance, my imagination kicked into gear.

            Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

            Liked by 1 person

  4. If we were having coffee, I wouldn’t have that much to tell about my week, I think – but I would certainly agree with you on the weather part, so cold all of a sudden here in The Netherlands! As for Instagram, I see it as a place for all kinds of photos, the so called “perfect IG photos” are not necessarily the most interesting ones. Just to say: do your own thing, in your own way!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m glad that you’re enjoying soap making. 🙂 My Sofi has started being active on Instagram this week as well.
    We’re having very mixed weather here too. The earlier part of the week was pretty sunny, but the latter has been really windy and it’s been raining all weekend.
    So sorry to hear that your AFO is still causing trouble and that your physio doesn’t seem to be understanding about it.
    I hope you and the new staff will click if she’ll be working with you. 🙂
    Hahahh, I’m the same in regards to picky eating. These days, I will eat almost everything if I have to, but I have a lot of foods I prefer to avoid if I can. It used to be different though when I was more emetophobic, then I had a long list of foods that I would not eat under any circumstances, even if I actually liked some of them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for commenting. I truly love soap making indeed and it helps me to know that I can do that when it’s raining and I can’t go for a walk.

      I can’t imagine what it’s like to be emetophobic. I was sort of bulimic some years back so would actually make myself throw up. At the time, I’d also eat foods I really didn’t like just for the sake of it.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Astrid. You might love this story.
    When I was in Jr. High school, I had a science teacher who did a quick lesson with us that was like your food test. I had never eaten cauliflower before and was scared to death of it. Her test involved blindfolding us and then putting a taste of something into our mouths and we were suppose to tell what it was without having seen it.
    I know you haven’t seen cauliflower, but do you have it there and have you run your fingers over it? before it’s cut up, it’s like half a sphere with all these small ripples in it. It’s also white. Astrid, to me it looked like a human brain. About the same size and shape and had all those ripples. When the teacher put a piece in my mouth, i ran my tongue over it, recognized it as that scary brain stuff, answered her question and took out of my mouth as quickly as possible and palmed it so she might not know that I didn’t eat it.
    Funny thing is, now we love the stuff. It tastes wonderful both raw and cooked.
    I feel like an idiot for how I reacted to it that first time I had the chance to taste it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yes, you made me laugh with your story. I have seen cauliflower in the past, but I never knew it looks like brain. That’s so fascinating!


  7. Great job on the soap, and how fun to make lip balm and shampoo bars…I hope you share how that goes. I made a calendula salve last year, that was fun! Glad you got out to enjoy the weather.

    Liked by 1 person

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