Sunday Ramble: Creativity and Imagination

Today, I am a little uninspired with respect to my blog, so I thought I’d join in with E.M.’s Sunday Ramble, for which the prompt, interestingly, is creativity and imagination. The idea is that we answer E.M.’s five questions on the topic and ramble on as we see fit. Here goes.

1. When did you first discover your love of writing?
I honestly don’t think I ever knew how to write without loving it. That being said, I didn’t start writing stories or poems consistently until the fifth or sixth grade and I didn’t start a diary that I kept regularly until I was thirteen.

2. Would you say that you found your imagination at a young age or when you became older? If you want to, share something you discovered with your imagination.
Imagination? What imagination? I honestly don’t think my creative writing is particularly imaginative. My parents used to say I was a good writer, but they probably never meant it, as they too recognized my writing was full of plagiarism and, if it wasn’t, was pretty much a retelling of my own life.

That being said, when my sister and I did pretend play together, I was always the one making up the stories. I guess back in those days, they were imaginative enough for someone at that age. My imagination just never developed; it rather regressed.

3. What is your favorite genre to write about? (Example: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, True Crime, etc.)
Other than blog posts, I mostly write poetry and flash fiction. My poetry is just word vomit I guess and with respect to my flash fiction, the advantage is the fact that I don’t have to finish the story I started in an original way.

When I still wrote short stories and even a few novels-in-progress, my favorite genre was realistic young adult fiction. I did attempt to write a few short stories in this genre again recently, but really they got nowhere.

4. Do you ever get “writer’s block”? If so, do you have a reason of why it happens?
Sure I do; that’s why I’m writing this post rather than an original blog post. I honestly don’t know why it happens. In my case, my writing inspiration just tends to ebb and flow.

5. Can you tell me something that I do not know that you do not mind sharing about your style of writing?
I always write with an audience in mind. Even when I write in my private diary, I explain stuff that I myself know and write in a style that is “censored” in a kind of way. It didn’t use to be this way when I first started keeping a diary. In fact, when first starting an online diary in 2002, I was reminded that I had to explain things to people because they weren’t in my head like my private diary’s inner companion was. Now, nearly twenty years on, it’s the other way around.

18 thoughts on “Sunday Ramble: Creativity and Imagination

    1. I totally get that. I always wanted to have my writing published someday, even though back when I was like thirteen I didn’t really explain things, so I didn’t really write with an audience in mind.


  1. Hi Astrid! I was late on keeping diaries and journals also. My mother and her boyfriends would always invade my privacy and read them, so I don’t think I started writing in them again until I was in my 20s. I enjoyed reading your answers! Thanks for joining in and bringing that memory about my journaling to mind. Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for sharing. Ugh, that sucks that your mother and her boyfriend would invade your privacy by reading your diaries. My parents might’ve read mine too, but I doubt it, as they didn’t want to read my blog once I got one either (thank goodness).

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      1. I think they did it to find ways to punish me. My mother doesn’t read my blog either, or at least I don’t believe she does lol. I think that it is great that we all find each other here to mingle and share together.

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            1. Well, I’m not sure it’s this way with mine, as part of the reason for my trauma is my parents’ outright refusal to accept the fact that I’m autistic. For this reason, my neurotypical sister had a pretty normal upbringing but I didn’t. Then again, if you absolutely don’t want a disabled child, I guess you shouldn’t breed either. (Of course, my sister would counter that I was the one causing trouble in our family, not my parents, but if my parents had sought proper help in supporting me with my multiple disabilities, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have been as much of a pain in the neck of my sister.)

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              1. I can relate with that as well. My mom never got me treated when I started self-injuring at the age of 12 and having horrible migraines. A teacher shook me in the 1st grade, and I had headaches ever since. I was always the problem child in her eyes.

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                1. Oh wow, I’m so sorry. I really feel for you. I can relate, unfortunately. It is comforting in a way to know that I’m not alone, but sad too, in that, if I were the only one, at least no-one else would have to suffer like I did.

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                  1. I felt that way for you as well. I never want anyone to suffer the way that I did. It molded me as it probably did you too. I don’t want to say that it made us stronger, but it did make us more aware of who we are and who we would never want to be, I think.

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                    1. Yeah I cringe when people say, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. I want to say to them that they obviously had not experienced the same trauma, but then I would be judging and assuming. I stay quiet lol.

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