Reading Wrap-Up (February 22, 2021) #IMWAYR

Hi again readers. It’s time for another reading wrap-up. As usual, I’m joining #IMWAYR. Because I have been hoarding books again, I’m also linking up with Stacking the Shelves.

Life Update

I have been doing okay’ish over the past week. On Thursday, I was in a bit of a crisis due to significant overload. I’ve also been anxious about my lack of productivity. I mean, I haven’t been moving as much as I should. Last week, I could blame the snow. Now I can’t. Thankfully though, today I caught up again. However, in other areas I’ve also been less active and I’m still undecided as to whether I have my expectations up too high.

Similarly, this past week wasn’t as great a reading week as I’d expected, but that may’ve been because I had my expectations up pretty high. I hope to finish another book by the end of the month, as I would need to in order to keep on track with my Goodreads reading goal.

What I’m Currently Reading

I read some more in The Choices We Make by Karma Brown. Unfortunately, I’m not moving as quickly as I’d like.

In addition, I purchased A Life Lost by Cathy Glass, which is her latest fostering memoir. So far, like most of her books, I love it, but I’m not moving in it as quickly as I’d like either.

What I Recently Finished Reading

Uhm, nothing. I really need to finish more if I want to reach my Goodreads goal, which I’ve set at 20 books, so very low for a book lover. Then again, as much as I love books, I’m also a slow reader.

What I Think I’ll Be Reading Next

I honestly don’t know. I got so many books I think I’ll love that it’s hard to pick one. I’m also truly a mood reader, so I can’t really predict what will grab my attention next.

Stacking the Shelves

I love love love BookBub, which for those not familiar with it, is a site where you can find book deals. Thanks to BookBub, I have literally been hoarding books over the past week. Okay, I also have Apple Books to thank, as I got some while browsing similar books on there. I got several science fiction series starters, including After the Cure by Deirdre Gould and Apocalypse by Kyle West. I also got a romance called Second Chance Spring by Delancey Stewart.

I had been debating whether to get a book on crystal healing too. I know, I know, there’s absolutely no reason to believe in crystal healing and it’s rather occult too. However, I can’t stop myself being interested in it, so today I did get a book on the topic. I obviously got it off Bookshare, as I have absolutely no interest in paying for such a book. For those who don’t know, Bookshare is a service for print disabled (blind or dyslexic) people, allowing members to download almost unlimited books for $50 a year. I totally love it!

What have you been reading lately?

12 thoughts on “Reading Wrap-Up (February 22, 2021) #IMWAYR

  1. I’ve started the new Cathy Glass book yesterday and, unsurprisingly, I’ve been enjoying it so far.
    I totally agree with you on crystal healing and the crystal healing books, I don’t believe in it at all either, didn’t do even back when I had a time of considering myself to no longer be a Christian and was into all sorts of things esoteric, new age-y and Wiccan. But I have had read some books on crystal healing before and after my reconversion, solely because I like reading about crystals, how people used to use them in the past, and how some people do now, it’s interesting to me from an observer’s perspective. The ones I’ve read after reconverting weren’t as profoundly and visibly new age-y as the ones I read before, which doesn’t change the fact that they were occult, just makes it less glaring which makes it easier to read for a Christian. 😀 –

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    1. I’m glad you are enjoying the new Cathy Glass book.

      I used to be into many things New Age-y and still like reading about them, but I never quite believed in them even before becoming a Christian. I used to be into minerals and gemstones a lot as a teen and would like to get back into this, though mostly as a collector of stones and knowledge.

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  2. I really added to my stack of audiobooks this week. I think I’m getting addicted to that format. Good luck fitting in more reading. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

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