Moving Into the New Care Home

Hi all. I’m departing from the #31Days2022 prompts today, because the prompt for today, “other”, didn’t spark any creative muse in me yet. Instead, for today’s post, I am writing about my move into the new care home. It’s been quite the overloading day, to be honest.

I had set the alarm for 7:30AM, because the moving crew would be in Raalte at eight to collect my desk and chair. The rest of my belongings had been moved to the new home yesterday. Not surprisingly, I woke up before the alarm went off. Thankfully, there already was a staff available for me. When the moving crew had removed my furniture, I had breakfast at another table.

Thankfully, there still was time for a walk before it was time for me to collect the stuff that could go into the staff’s car and to drive off to the new home. This stuff included the soft toy I’d slept with, my clothes from the night before as well as the goodbye presents I’d gotten from the home and day center. One of the day center staff specifically came by to say goodbye to me on her day off.

As we got here to the new home, we were greeted by a man whom I’ve come to assume will be my assigned staff but of which I’m not sure. We were allowed to unpack, which took several hours. I had lunch after everyone else had already had theirs.

My staff from my old care home in Raalte left at around 2PM. From then on, several staff have come and gone into and out of my apartment. I did go for a walk around grounds at around 3:30PM. Several clients from other homes greeted me and my staff and started talking to us. I liked it, but it was a bit overwhelming at the same time.

At around 5PM, I got very irritable. The reason was the fact that my call button doesn’t work as of yet. It looks like it may’ve been set to be received at the night staff’s office in the main building, where during the day there’s no-one. I hope that’s true, as otherwise I won’t be able to reach anyone during the night.

I also found out there’s no handle to lock my room’s door from the inside without a key. I immediately drew the conclusion this means I can be locked into my room. Of course, the staff said they wouldn’t, but the mere fact that they can, causes me intense fear.

I am trying to stay as calm as possible as I write on my blog now that I’m alone. Thankfully, I can tell time – the staff verified this, which may seem stupid to those reading my blog but was actually validating to me. Now that they know I can tell time, they can tell me when they will be back. This does help me.

17 thoughts on “Moving Into the New Care Home

  1. Wow, that must have really been an intense day for you. I hope the settling in period won’t be too difficult or long. It’s good that you were able to talk to the staff about some of your worries and that they fixed the call button. I think I’d feel quite weird in your position too if I knew that they had a possibility of locking me in the room. I mean it makes sense that they have it, given that all the other clients are intellectually disabled and have behaviour-related difficulties, but it also makes sense that you’re uneasy about it since they’re totally new people to you and you don’t know what to expect, and also given your experiences in the psych hospital with seclusion and stuff.

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    1. Thanks for your kind words. Re the lack of a way to lock/unlock the door from the inside without a key, the way the support coordinator worded it, I understood it to mean that everyone had this and I had it in my old home too. I’m not sure how it works legally now, but before the Care and Force Act (which replaced the law regulating involuntary commitment to psych hospitals about two years ago), locking people into their own rooms wasn’t even legal.

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  2. It is so lovely that a member of staff came in on their day off to say goodbye. I’m glad the call button was fixed. Have you found out about the lock now- are you feeling happier? xxx

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    1. I haven’t found out about the lock yet and am still struggling quite a bit. In fact, more so than I was when I wrote this post. I hope it is just my adjusting.


    1. Thanks so much for your kind words. I’m struggling quite a bit having to adjust to the new staff and their different approach of dealing with me. I don’t want to go into too much detail, but let me just say some are a lot more focused on behavior management rather than understanding my issues. I really hope it’s just both of us needing to get to know one another.


    1. Haven’t figured the thing about the possibility of being locked into my room out yet, since the coordinator hasn’t worked yet. I hope she’ll be back soon. Thanks for commenting.

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