Gratitude List (January 2, 2021) #TToT

Yay, it’s Saturday and that means I’m going to write another gratitude list. I didn’t specifically resolve to be more grateful this year, but I already set a goal to do a weekly gratitude list in November. As usual, I’m joining in with Ten Things of Thankful (#TToT). Here goes.

1. I am grateful my extra one-on-one care got approved. The staff and manager will meet next week to discuss how to fill in the hours and whether extra staff will need to be hired for it. So far though, nothing will change for me, as I already had some one-on-one as of mid-November. I’m so glad it doesn’t stop though!

2. I am grateful for financial security. My long-term care copay is likely to increase by at least €70 a month this year, but it’s because my husband’s and my household income has increased. I’m pretty sure I can afford this increase without having to live extremely frugally.

3. Speaking of which, I am so grateful my husband bought a new-to-us car. We used to have a Suzuki Wagon R+, but that one wasn’t too comfortable on long drives. It also needed repairing anyway. Of course, buying another car rather than repairing your current one is rarely the economical choice (my husband calculated that it would be if we bought a very small car). He wanted some luxury though and so do I. We now have a Volkswagen Golf.

4. I am grateful for oliebollen and other new year’s snacks. I didn’t eat too many, but I did have some treats.

5. I am grateful for a relatively peaceful new year’s. My sister-in-law came by. My husband had made it clear beforehand that I could always retreat into the bedroom to go on my phone, so I did that a few times.

6. I am grateful for toast with sausages on it for lunch today. I’d never had this before, but it was good.

7. I am grateful for really good essential oil combinations in my diffuser. I even managed to make one that’s good even though there’s geranium in it. I normally hate that scent (don’t ask me why I bought it then), but combined with lavender, orange and cedarwood, it’s good.

8. I am grateful for a really nice nap this afternoon. I had the aforementioned combination of essential oils in my diffuser and slept like a log.

9. I am grateful the festivities are over with for now for a while. They were good, but I’d like to have some normal weeks now.

10. I am so grateful for still no COVID at my care home! I could post that one every week, because of course each week without COVID is a blessing, but well.

What are you grateful for?

14 thoughts on “Gratitude List (January 2, 2021) #TToT

  1. Nice list of TToTs.
    When I looked up oliebollens, I discovered that they appear to be the same as what we call doughnut holes here in the US. I am not sure if that is what they are, but they look the same. I have had chocolate ones as well as the regular ones.
    That is a real blessing not to have any cases of COVID in the care home. May it continue to stay that way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for commenting and thanks for googling oliebollen. Yes, they may be the same as doughtnut holes indeed. I somehow automatically assumed they were a typical Dutch food.


  2. Good TToT
    Very good to not have the Covid get any closer than it has.
    Have made a similar car decision, I’ve always adhered to the principle of repair is less than replacement, but there comes a time, if one is successful in this where the mileage reaches a point where you are rebuilding a car.
    You should enjoy the VW, they are both well-engineered while still having certain features that remind you that cars can be more than mere transportation.
    Have a good week ahead.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I had to Google olliebollen, and as a huge fan of doughnuts, I think I would love them! Sounds like you had a great start to the new year, even if you had to buy a new car. I hope you have a blessed new year, Astrid!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. I in fact don’t feel bad about the new car at all. It has a lot of features we’ve been wanting for a while that our old car didn’t have. Have a blessed new year yourself too.


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